Octavia's Dream :3

One day in Ponyville Octavia was sleeping. But Just as she was waking up Vinyl scratch fired the bass cannon. Octavia flew down the stairs and smashed the Bass cannon,Vinyl was mad and Punched octavia's head But then Discord walked in and smacked them both into the wall. But just then Derpyhooves walked in with a cupcake and started firing lazors at discord. Discord explded and Derpy was still in search of cupcakes. Octavia and vinyl Got up,And Started doing their thing Vinyl was DJ,ing And octavia was Playing a concert but all of a sudden They Teleported to A stadium,Octavia was on the stage She looked into the crowd and who did she see VINYL! She was waiting for him to show up to one of her concerts for years . After The crowd Stopped talking she started playing The whole crowd had poker faces. But suddenly octvia Woke Up and she realised it was all a dream. She sighed and fell down the stairs